Melanie Schier
Learn To Heal From The Inside Out
As we heal ourselves we heal those around us. As an energy medicine practitioner, my role is to support you in the process of shifting your perspective and bring light to the patterns that keep you feeling stuck.
We are all psychic. We are all intuitive. We all have the ability to tap into our deep knowing and create what we wish.
Ever since I can remember I have had experiences with those whom have passed, synchronicities, premonition dreams, intuition and manifesting things I wanted without realizing it. Not understanding the connection of these occurrences is what prompted me to look deeper into the meaning of what all this ‘IS’. Opening my mind to all the possibilities of the universe has proven fruitful for me and is my soul’s calling to share with others.
My background includes a degree in Human Development from California State University, East Bay, certifications in Reiki (I and II) and a Master Certification in Intuition Medicine®; all of which allow me to help and advise clients on a deeper level.
Working with me looks like:
being your authentic self as we work together to create a space full of potential, freedom and choice.
remembering your inner wisdom as you begin to transform your particular story.
you taking control of your life and stepping into the full capacity you were meant to live.
being witnessed by a seasoned healer whose job is to hold a deeply healing presence of guidance, non-judgement and love
Blossom into oneness
From the big transitions of child-rearing or death of a loved one to the micro-moments of communication in our relationships; energy medicine brings us home to ourselves so we can shift our perspective and blossom into oneness.