The Connection

Expanding Intuitive Connections

Expand into daily conversation with Spirit. You feel the energy, let me show you how to connect.

A one month intensive for developing intuitives and blossoming mediums.

For those ready to:

  • broaden the communication you are already having and deeply connect your gifts into daily life

  • engage with other people’s energies from a place of embodiment, healing and service to divine evolution

  • build a co-communication vocabulary of synchronicities and symbols

  • move into a broader understanding of how messages can be received and utilized

The details.

ONE MONTH OF WEEKLY SESSIONS (4 total) + additional touch points via SLACK

  • learn the foundation and techniques of your unique communication abilities including: your guides and highest self, past loved ones and the art of symbolism

  • an invitation into the developing intuitives community, a seasonal touch point to connect and learn through guest speakers, practice opportunities and shared gifts.

You were born to expand into YOUR bigness.

It is all in divine order, trust and flow.