There is no one way to heal.
We believe in the power of community, the power of energy medicine as a tool to support the goals of all healing modalities. We offer collaborations with the following practitioners.
Current Partners
COACHING with Jessica Obando
Jessica has been called an executive coach by executives and a life coach for those in-between professional lives. Perhaps, the best title is simply Human Coach, because working together you will get down to tangible actions. Let’s get started.
CREATION with Sarah Pattison
Sarah draws from years of experience exploring how we can use creative means to grow and develop the selves we wish to be and to access our hearts' true knowing. As a visual artist, she offers playful ways to help you dream your new life into being.
SPACES with Kari Baker
Using practices, tools, rituals, and proven methods to organize, design, and create environments where you thrive, produce, and rejuvenate at home and work. All offerings are held virtually. Let’s create a beautiful space that serves your highest self.
Experience the dynamic magic of collaboration.
Be it for yourself, your family or your team, lets get started using energy medicine to add that extra boost as you access your highest potential.
Interested in becoming a partner?
Let’s pair energy medicine with your healing talents to create a dynamic, multilayered experience.