Full Moon Ritual
Harness the power of the moon! Utilize the moon’s energy by following a new moon and full moon ritual. We have included a helpful and powerful full moon ritual here.
Every full moon create an altar with all of the elements - fire, water, earth and air. You can use beeswax to represent fire, anything that is blue to represent water, anything from nature and outside to represent earth and incense or the color white to represent air.
Once your altar is prepared, it is time to cleanse yourself and your energy. You can either smudge yourself with sage or take a bath in epsom salt and baking soda (feel free to put some of your favorite crystals or essential oils in your bath!). This will help to cleanse your aura.
Reflection - the full moon shines a light on your intentions set during the new moon. Take some time, look at your intentions set on the new moon, and reflect. Did any of your intentions come to fruition? If so, celebrate with gratitude in the last step. If not, what stood in your way? What are 2-3 action steps that you can take toward your intentions? Be honest and compassionate with yourself and use this reflection time for growth. If you didn't set intentions on the new moon, don't worry, just use this time to reflect on key parts of your life that are important to you, such as your health, career, relationships, or finances and if there is an area where growth is needed, set your action steps.
To close the ritual, burn your written new moon intentions in a glass or ceramic bowl. Put the ashes back out in nature. Give gratitude for the things you are grateful for to the moon. Spend as much time as you can in the moonlight. You can do this the day before, the day of or the day after the full moon. Whatever is convenient is for you.
You will also want to put all your crystals out in the moonlight (outside or on a window sill) to be recharged in the moonlight as well. The full moon is a powerful time of the month. Bask in it and make it work for you!