How Does Remote Healing Work?

I am asked this a lot as I only do over the phone (distance) healings.  I have clients all over the US and Canada and am asked constantly ‘how can you do this over the phone?’.  Healings are done with focus and intent of tapping into the client’s energy field.  I always ask permission to view the client’s energy field. I work with the client’s physical, emotional and mental aspects when accessing their field.  I also have an understanding that we are not separate or separated by distance; this is an illusion.  I/healers are able to step outside of time and space and heal a client in ‘real time’.  I prefer over the phone healings as it allows you to be in the comfort of your own home while doing the work.  I find energy healing to be most effective when the client is comfortable and usually you are most comfortable in your own space!  


What is Energy Medicine/Healing?