New Moon Ritual
Having a New and Full Moon Ritual is so important in manifesting all that you desire and creating a deep connection with the earth. Below is one ritual that we swear by. Give it a try and let us know your results! Don’t forget to wait this ritual with the full moon ritual which ends the process.
Create your alter
Gather your ritual items:
a bowl with water
a crystal to soak in the water
essential oil of your choice
flowers or herbs
Start with a smudge of your home then smudge yourself to clean your aura and get rid of any energies that don't belong to you. If you don't like smoke from sage or palo santo, try essential oils in a diffuser or sprays. Create a saying for yourself and say out loud, " I cleanse my aura..." then add anything that you want to let go off emotionally, spiritually, negative thoughts or beliefs or anything that is preventing you from accessing your highest potential.
The new moon is a time to illuminate the hidden emotions that we usually bury, deny, and keep out of the light. These shadow aspects need our attention for us to grow and learn along our journey. If there is any shadow aspect that you have been avoiding, ask for it to be illuminated for your benefit to access your highest potential with love and grace.
Say that you are "open to awareness and release any negative thoughts and beliefs and I am letting it all go." Then state, "I have access to my highest self. And so shall it be."
Find a meditation that you like. I search for new moon rituals on Insight Timer, light candles and create an alter. I hold my crystal in my hand or place on my heart or stomach during the meditation. Then place the essential oil, flowers and crystal in the bowl of water and place the bowl outside to be charged by the new moon. (some crystals that end in "ite" don't do well in water so look that up)
Set your Intentions
Once you are done with your meditation, get a piece of pape or your journal. The new moon is about new intentions. Write out everything and anything that you want the moon to bring into your life. It may or may not happen by the full moon, but trust the mother moon, she will bring it in the perfect time. Save your intentions, put them in a sacred place and don't share or tell anyone. These are yours and between you and the moon. On the full moon, reread your intentions, make note of what came to be and what actions you might take on those that are still in development. You will burn your new moon intentions on the full moon.
In the morning, take the bowl of water, take out the crystal and flowers/herbs and when you shower, pour the bowl of water over your head and body. It might be cold, but you can handle it! Enjoy the gifts that new moon brings.